Vin DiCarlo – The Private Hard Drive Collection
‘Buried Treasure’ Hard Drive, which includes: 7 Ways to Get Her Addicted, Fuck the Friend Zone, The Drills Bootcamp, The Woodhaven Letters and more.
‘Buried Treasure’ Hard Drive, which includes: 7 Ways to Get Her Addicted, Fuck the Friend Zone, The Drills Bootcamp, The Woodhaven Letters and more.
In sCubed, Vin DiCarlo explores the sexual selection switch that triggers attraction in females and overrides their social conditioning.
How To Win The Dating Game: A step-by-step plan for ten dates which guarantee you The Perfect Woman, The Perfect Relationship and The Perfect Sex Life for you.
This program covers Society and Dating, Inner Game, Approaching, Conversational Management, Going on Date, Fashion and Style, Relationships, Physical Escalation and Sex.
Includes several Vin DiCarlo products at a discount: Pandora’s Box Complete System, Same Day Lays and The Attraction Code (+Bonuses).
Pandora’s Box System: A Man’s Guide to the Female Mind is a dating system that gives you different strategies for women with different personality types.
“The DayGame Interview” from Vin Dicarlo is a program where you will be able to learn Brian’s strategies in meeting women during the day.
This program provides an explanation of and instruction on Vin DiCarlo’s approach to attracting women, also known as “Natural Game”.