Jason Capital – Storytelling God
What’s Included:
1) 13 Modules Video + Audio
2) Bonus 1 – Adam’s Talk
3) Bonus 2 – Blow Jobs on Demand
4) Bonus 3 – Courage Stories
2) Bonus 1 – Adam’s Talk
3) Bonus 2 – Blow Jobs on Demand
4) Bonus 3 – Courage Stories
Retail Price: $297
Course Description
This system designed by Jason Capital is intended for the purpose of showing men how to create incredible stories that seduce and attract women. He offers techniques in order to create stories that can be used to influence, captivate, and seduce.
In the system he covers areas such as:
- Using stories to get and keep a woman’s attention
- How to make people feel a certain way on demand
- How to use stories to demonstrate and communicate status in you as a man
- How telling a good story can make you successful socially, financially, and with the ladies
List Of Topics Covered:
- Seduction conversation charger
- 12 step solution to seductive stories
- Setting the bait with stories
- Jason’s 5 most seductively effective stories
- The 6-word Ernest Hemingway story
- The kind of stories that you should never share
- Recommended books to master storytelling
- How to have a never-ending supply of story ideas
- How to tell seductive, compelling stories on demand
- How to ethically embed powerfully hypnotic suggestions
- Using powerful stories that amplify your sexual attraction
- A conversation strategy to trigger high-powered attraction
- Vocal tonality patterns of the most interesting men in the world
- How to leverage the stories of historical legends and celebrities
- How to tell stories that have people hanging on your every word
- The Spielberg Advantage that gives you an edge over other guys
- The Damaging Confession Strategy that gets women attracted to you
- Why only a minimum amount of stories are needed to cover most situations
- The ‘Live Lookins’ technique to make your story universal and you the focus
- The James Bond secret for creating a positive, high status frame that makes you cooler
- Advanced storytelling techniques (e.g. nested loops, pattern interrupts, using vivid imagery)
And many more…
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