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Gil Boyne – Secrets of Dynamic Public Speaking

What’s Included:
1) Power Programming Instructions
2) Track 1 – Self-Hypnosis Training
3) Track 2 – Public Speaking Programming
Retail Price: $14.95
Course Description

#106 Secrets of Dynamic Public Speaking
Express your ideas in a way that ensures acceptance. Over-come fear and tension at the thought of having to give a speech or a report. Learn to speak with absolute confidence and perfect poise – whether to an audience of hundreds, a small group, or a single person.

Gil Boyne

There are only a few people in each generation who are willing and able to confront the current anachronistic psychological models with original and radical thinking. Gil Boyne is one such person. Since the early 1950s he has applied his genius to helping others transform their lives through the “renewing of their mind.” For nearly fifty years, Gil Boyne has shown us that change is most effectively accomplished when we use the trance state to contact and direct our “inner creative intelligence.”

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  • Formats: ZIP (MP3, PDF)
  • Product size: 33 MB