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Gabrielle Moore – Light Her Up!

What’s Included:
1) Light Her Up! Video
2) Light Her Up! Audio
3) Light Her Up! eBook
Retail Price: $47
Course Description

“Revealed: How You Can Have A “Magic Button” That Lets You See Into Your Wife Or Girlfriend’s Innermost Thoughts And Sexual Fantasies!”
When You Can Do This…
You’ll know the exact recipe for driving your woman wild and giving her the longest and strongest orgasms of her life!
Dear friend, let me ask you a couple of questions. Have you ever thought how would your life change if you knew exactly what your woman was thinking, especially in the bedroom? Has there ever been a time where you completely misread a woman… which caused embarrassment or shame?
It’s not your fault! You see, as a woman myself, we often feel like we’re easy to read because our bodies tell you exactly what we want. But that only works if you know how to listen, and up to this point, you’ve never been taught how. As a result, maybe your relationship feels like it’s missing a few ingredients that would make for a truly passionate, fulfilling sex life.
The good news is that once you learn the secret language to a woman’s body, you’ll be able to skyrocket your sex life higher than you thought possible. Your sweetheart will be so shocked she won’t know what to do at first, but trust me, she’ll soon be thanking you in every way she knows how. And she’ll probably find new ways to thank you as well 😉

  1. THE SINGLE BEST WAY TO CRANK UP… The intimacy with any woman instantly. This will make her so attracted to you, you’ll swear you were with an entirely new woman.
  2. THE 6 SECRET LAYERS TO… Every woman’s body. Learn these and you’ll create a sexual situation that no woman will be able to resist. Never experience a “not in the mood” moment ever again.
  3. HOW TO TOUCH EACH LAYER… Of a woman to immediately become the best lover she has ever had. She’ll swoon with passion and lust, begging to have you insider her.
  4. THE ONE MOVE THAT… Will make a woman feel electric… Without you even touching her!
  5. THE POWERFUL SECRET RHYTHM… To her “inner layer.” Master this and you’ll be able to have your way with her whenever you want.
  6. THE SIMPLE TOUCH… Most appropriate for the “sensitive” areas of her body… use it to cause her body to heat up like the sun.
  7. THE BEST LAYER TO TOUCH… If you want your wife so horny you won’t be able to control her. Touch here for very long and it’s on!
  8. EXERCISES THAT WILL INCREASE… Your touch sensitivity… and how that will allow you to take things physically to the next level faster than you could ever hope for.
  9. THE TWO FINGERS THAT… You need to pay particular attention to when you touch your wife or girlfriend. Follow these instructions, and they will guide you and your girl to pleasure paradise.
  10. THE TOP-SECRET TOOL… Created strictly for professionals… where to get it, how to use it and how it will unlock her inner core of bliss.
  11. THE EXACT SEQUENCE YOU NEED… To touch her in to generate the greatest pleasure. She’ll look at you with new eyes once you do this to her.
  12. THE ONE PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY… That will make you a master of touch in record time… but only if you use it during the right moments. I tell you exactly when to use it in a way that will turn her on even more.

Gabrielle Moore

I am a lawyer-turned bestselling sex advice expert. Over 500,000 people across the planet subscribe to my daily online tips.

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  • Formats: MP4, MP3, PDF
  • Product size: 150 MB